We do not publish our rates online. They change daily and sometimes hourly. Please call us at the number above for a quote that is tailored for your specific loan. These loan program snapshots are for guidance ONLY, and are general in nature. They may or may not be available to you at the time of application and/or approval.
For those with traditional credit and income qualifications:
Feature: Rate is fixed for the term of the loan
Feature: Rate is fixed for the term of the loan
Feature: Rate is fixed for the first 10, 7, 5 or 1st year(s) of the loan. Lower interest rate to start.
Feature: Rate is fixed for the first 10, 7, 5 or 1st year(s) of the loan. Lower interest rate to start.
For those with "outside of the box" income and credit situations, we have programs to make your home purchase or refinance happen. These are not all of our non-traditional jumbo products, please call with your specific loan scenario.
Feature: Rate is fixed for the term of the loan. 40 year loan is interest only.
Feature: Rate is fixed for the term of the loan. 40 year loan is interest only.
Feature: Rate is fixed for the first 3, 5, 7 or 10 years of the loan. Becomes an adjustable thereafter. Interest only payments are available.
Feature: Rate is fixed for the first 3, 5, 7 or 10 years of the loan. Becomes an adjustable thereafter. Interest only payments are available.
Janus Mortgage Corporation is the premier mortgage broker in San Diego County. We have the home loan solution you need to make your home ownership dreams come true. Call us today to make an appointment to speak with a professional loan counselor.
Janus Mortgage Corporation is a mortgage broker licensed in the State of California, under the auspices of the California Bureau of Real Estate license number 02038085 and the National Mortgage License Registry NMLS Number 1690954, . All offers for loan programs are made for loans on California properties only. Disclaimer/Copyright Info: 2023 Copyright, Janus Mortgage Corporation – Terms and conditions apply.
All rates, programs and fees are subject to change and may not be available to all applicants. Janus Mortgage Corporation is an Equal Housing Lender. Please see our Privacy Policy about how we use personally identifiable you give us.