Once you've been pre-qualified and have a good idea of how much home you can afford, it's time to ask yourself a very important question - What am I looking for in a home? To answer this question, you'll have to shift your mode of thinking.
In the first step, a scientific approach was used. You entered your income and relevant financial data, worked with the numbers and arrived at an appropriate starting point - your mortgage parameters.
But you won't be arriving at which house to buy with any chart or computer. It's much more subjective and intangible.
To help you through this foggy phase, we're pleased to present you with some housing preference considerations to give you a more tangible idea of what to look for before you begin to search for that Dream Home in earnest.
To narrow down the thousands of possibilities in your area, start with broad strokes such as price range and general locale and then fill in the details such as neighborhood, features and type of ownership: Condo, Single Family Residence, Townhome, etc.
For many, quality of life factors such as proximity to schools and parks are important, but if you're concerned about resale value, focus on location.
There is not single factor that affects the value of your home more that location. Most buyers are willing to sacrifice desired home features and preferences to get into the area or neighborhood they want to live in. This makes sense: You can always add an extra room or a swimming pool later. But once you've moved in, no amount of home improvements can move your home from the city to the suburbs or vis a versa.
Here are the seven top characteristics that potential buyers look for when choosing a neighborhood to live in, brought to you courtesy of a recent survey:
*Source Newspaper Association of America
Picking the right neighborhood will require plenty of due diligence on your part. To do it fast and smart, try some of these tips then go with your gut instinct.
Janus Mortgage Corporation is the premier mortgage broker in San Diego County. We have the home loan solution you need to make your home ownership dreams come true. Call us today to make an appointment to speak with a professional loan counselor.
Janus Mortgage Corporation is a mortgage broker licensed in the State of California, under the auspices of the California Bureau of Real Estate license number 02038085 and the National Mortgage License Registry NMLS Number 1690954, . All offers for loan programs are made for loans on California properties only. Disclaimer/Copyright Info: 2023 Copyright, Janus Mortgage Corporation – Terms and conditions apply.
All rates, programs and fees are subject to change and may not be available to all applicants. Janus Mortgage Corporation is an Equal Housing Lender. Please see our Privacy Policy about how we use personally identifiable you give us.