• Searching For Your Home

  • Hopefully by now you've been pre-qualified and have ironed out your preferences for the home of your dreams. Now it's time to go hunting. 

    First, get up to speed on the economic climate and mood in your targeted area. Take note of seasonal peculiarities and special circumstances too. Perhaps a major employer is moving into the area and there are big plans to build developments and expand the business districts. Knowing these kinds of things will help you strategize effectively.

    At the start of your hunt, you may want to drive around and note the locations of "For Sale" signs. Or, access online home listing sites. This is where your wish list will come in handy. Use it or lose it!

  • Hunting Tips

    Be Critical. Get in the habit of taking a critical look at each house during your search. Conduct walk-throughs the way you want to - checking out the areas that are important to you. Feel free to take pictures and clip them to your evaluation checklist.

    Physical Features. Note the structural condition, any repairs that need to done and whether the house is new, old or in-between. You'll also want to check out the rooms evaluate how closely they meet your needs in size and layout.

    Pipes and Systems. Flush the toilet, flick the switches and open up the windows. Inquire about the condition of the electrical systems, plumbing, heating and A/C and any other systems that may come with the home.

    Use a Checklist. Keep a written checklist of things to look for as you go through open houses and previews. Use ours or develop your own.